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Raising the "barre" since 1991
The Academy of Expressive Dance
& Boutique
~where everyBODY sparkles~
Director: Ms. Andrea Gaw, C.D.T.A.

Session Classes

Session Classes....
Shorter commitment, same quality
Friends, fun, fitness, AND laughter? You bet!
Our session programs are built on these principals, and although a more "casual" approach to teaching and expectations, the teaching quality remains the same as our season dance programs.
Whether you are brand new to dance or an adult who danced when they were younger and wants to get back into it, we have a class just for you!
90 Canadian dollarsEnded
90 Canadian dollarsStarts Mar 5
90 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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90 Canadian dollarsStarts Mar 4
90 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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90 Canadian dollars
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