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Adult Dance Classes


You deserve this!

you are worth it

Friends, fun, fitness, AND laughter?  You bet!

Our adult program is built on these principals, and although a more "casual" approach to teaching and expectations, the teaching quality remains the same as our other dance programs.

Whether you are brand new to dance or an adult who danced when they were younger and wants to get back into it, we have a class just for you!

Adult Ballet & Jazz

This class is perfect for anyone wanting the best of both worlds!  Ballet is taught one week, and then jazz the next.  We continue alternating all season--lots of fun and styles. 


This class is run on our SEASON basis, and this format offers you the very best learning environment.  Stay with the same group all season--friendships are born and a real sisterhood can flourish as you sweat together and overcome personal challenges together.  A "safe" and trusted space is created so that you feel more confident taking chances and really immersing yourself into these art forms.

This class is perfect if you are a beginner or intermediate dancer.  You must be 18+ to register for this class.


Tuesdays, 7:45-8:45 pm
Season runs Sept. 20/22 to June 4/23

Adult Advanced Ballet


If you trained in ballet before and are fairly proficient (NOT perfect!) in ballet terminology, technique and steps, this class is for you!  Adjusted for a mature body, choice exercises and center practice are used to give you a good workout and still enjoy the beauty of ballet.  For this class, you need proper ballet attire as it is a bit more "intense" than our ballet/jazz combo class.  Options will be given to modify exercises for anyone that wishes to work harder OR nurse past injuries/painful joints.  

You must be 18+ with previous ballet training to register for this class.

Thursdays,  7:45-9:15 pm
Season runs Sept. 22/22 to June 4/23

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